Vanessa in the Media

Vanessa provides media commentary on a variety of work psychology, future of work and business- related topics including strategy, innovation, diversity and inclusion, leadership and transformation.

In addition to publishing a book “Bitch Fight – Put an End to Women Bullying Women in the Workplace”, Vanessa has been published in a variety of print media including The Diplomat Magazine, Globe & Mail, The West Australian, The Sunday Times, WA Business News, Ottawa Business Journal and many others.

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“Bitch Fight - Put and End to Women Bullying Women in the Workplace”

This book is for all those whose lives have been turned upside down by women bullies in the workplace. In this book we share our strategies, our insights and our understanding of the what, how, and why this happens. We have solutions to help you deal with bullies at work and help you get the job and career you want and deserve. It’s time to put a stop to women bullying women in the workplace.

Vanessa is regularly featured as an Expert Business Psychologist on Nine Live Perth and Canada Business News.

She also provides regular radio commentary on Mix 94.5, 6PR, 6IX, ABC, Triple M and Radio 2UE. She is regularly interviewed on global podcasts and business leadership related series.